How Can Pelvic Floor Therapy Benefit Pregnant Women?
When most people think of pelvic floor physical therapy, they think about seeking help after delivering a baby- after pelvic floor...

The Benefits of Using a Dilator: A Discovery for Pelvic Health
Do you experience pain with penetration or sexual intercourse? If this resonates with you, then you may have some pelvic floor muscle...

Yoga and The Core: Effective Tips to Prevent Overload and Injury
Diastasis rectus abdominis (DRA) is a separation of the rectus abdominis muscles along the linea alba, the vertical ligament dividing the...

Maximizing Core Strength and Recovery after Cesarean Section
April is C-section Awareness Month. C-section is short for cesarean section, and is the delivery of a baby through an incision in the...

The Origin Story of Healthy Core: Overcoming Obstacles in Pelvic Health
"I have a dream!" In 2009, I left a stable hospital position to follow a dream; an ideal where there would be a space for women to heal...