Exploring the Truth About Common Pelvic Complaints: Normal or Common?
One of the first things we hear as pelvic floor physical therapists is the phrase “but I thought this was normal”. I think a lot of us...

Understanding the Jaw and Pelvic Floor Connection: How They Impact Each Other
You have heard the saying, "the hip bone is connected to the..." Did you know that tension in your jaw can contribute to tension in you...

How Can Pelvic Floor Therapy Benefit Pregnant Women?
When most people think of pelvic floor physical therapy, they think about seeking help after delivering a baby- after pelvic floor...

The Importance of Managing Urinary Urgency: Tips for When You Have to Go NOW
November is Bladder Health Month, so it’s only natural that we talk about urinary function and dysfunction! Something we hear far too...

How to Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve: Part Two - Proven Techniques for Improved Health and Wellbeing
The vagus nerve is the most important regulator of the nervous system and all systems in the body. Read Part One for an introduction to...

Unveiling the Relationship Between Hip Mobility and Pelvic Floor Health
The obturator internus is a muscle that runs from each hip and attaches to the pelvic floor muscles (levator ani) through a tendon known...

How to Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve to Improve Health and Wellbeing: Part One
Recent developments in pain science involve the vagus nerve and the autonomic nervous system, the part of the nervous system that...

The Pelvic Floor Guide to Mastering Deadlifts: Dos and Don'ts You Need to Know
You might have seen a competitive or recreational weightlifter at your gym or even on social media, and maybe you yourself are a...

The Guide to Navigating Menopause: Tips and Tricks for a Smooth Transition
The menopause transition is the time period that connects a woman’s reproductive or childbearing years with menopause. Menopause can be...

The Benefits of Using a Dilator: A Discovery for Pelvic Health
Do you experience pain with penetration or sexual intercourse? If this resonates with you, then you may have some pelvic floor muscle...